As of July 2013, nearly 4% of all electricity generated in the U.S. is produced by wind turbines. By installing wind turbines on their properties farmers can earn up to tens of thousands of dollars per year in tax credits. Since 2008 these tax credits have amounted to more than $14 Billion.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
Not in the form of tax credits and subsidies.
No, but we should support these industries.
No, allow the states to choose
We should support these industries but not with tax credits or subsidies.
We should support these industries but not in the form of tax breaks or subsides.
No, but we should still support it. Nationalize the energy sector.
I think there should be some kind of punitive tax system for companies hurting the environment (like oil and coal), but ALL for-profit organizations should have tax loopholes closed.
Yes, but allow citizens to pick an energy choice of their own.
No, wind power is an inferior alternative to oil, coal, and nuclear power. Even if bad for the environment.
No, but we should still support them.
No, nuclear power should instead be subsidized because it is the cleanest form of energy we have
No, but we should still support these industries
Not tax credits and subsidies. We should try and support these industries though.
No, but increase taxes and regulations on oil and coal companies
No, but we should still support these kinds of power industries.
Not tax credits but we should still support the industry.
No, but we should still support these industries.
Not in these forms but we should still support these industries.
No, wind power companies sell way more credits than they actually have and give the impression of providing more clean energy than they actually are.
Im for alternative clean energy but don't give any subsidies.
Promote cleaner energy sources but don't subsidize or tax credit them.
We should support the wind power industry but not in this way.
Not in the form of tax credits or subsidies.
No, wind cannot supply a base minimum of power for the entire country. Nuclear energy is just as clean, provides much more power, and has a much smaller land footprint.
they should help them put off shore wind turbines in to help make power where it is the windiness
Yes, and nationalize the industry.
Yes, and collectivize the industry.
Yes, if it incentives greater technological advancement for wind generated power. Right now, though, wind generated power is not sustainable enough and needs technological advancement for it the become a dependable resource.
Companies should be able to decide what path is best for them and the government should not be involved at all.
Yes, wind power is the best alternative to coal and natural gas, and the government should support more sustainable energy technologies
Yes, but only when wind power makes up 10% or more of our power usage
Yes but funding should come from states
Yes, until we have completely converted to using renewable energy
No, and the government shouldn't interfere in the economy.
Should be decided on state leve.
Should be decided on state level.
Only after turbines are re-engineered to be completely recyclable AND wind companies are held legally and financially accountable for removing turbines from private properties once the turbine is no longer used/viable.
Only after turbines are re-engineered to be completely recyclable AND turbine companies are held legally and financially accountable for removing turbines from private properties once the turbine is no longer used/viable.
Yes, but only after they re-engineer the turbines to be completely recyclable AND hold them legally and financially accountable for removing turbines from private properties once the turbine is no longer used/viable.
Promote more sustainable energy sources to make our world a greener, cleaner environment, but without giving subsidies
Yes, this will help North Dakota start ups
Yes, but only tax credits since wind power is an established energy technology
Yes, but only tax credits since wind power has been established as a valid and sustainable energy technology
Yes, but only tax credits since wind power has already been established as a valid and sustainable energy technology
No, increase investment into more reliable and sustainable alternative forms of energy such as nuclear, hydroelectric, thorium and geothermal.
Yes, but only tax credits since wind power has already been established as a valid and sustainable energy technology.
Yes, subsidies but not tax credits.
Yes, but they should be lighter incentives than nuclear incentives.
Yes, but only to companies that pay a living wage
No, but offer tax breaks for these companies and let the market innovate the wind industry more.
Yes, but only in areas where the wind energy can keep up with the demand of the local populace and act as a back-up.
No wind as of right now is not efficient. Solar, geothermal, and especially the advances in hydro electric should be pursued instead.
yes, but I believe we should only give tax credits to the wind power industry but not subsides.
No, the wind power industry uses too much land, they should be given to the solar industry instead
No, focus on Hydroelectric and Nuclear.
No, but tax carbon emissions
Yes, but only when wind power makes up 10% or more of our energy usage
No, but the government should give tax credits and subsidies to other, more effective sustainable technologies.
No, not until their energy contribution exceeds 10%
Yes; tax credits and subsidies are a good way to encourage industry without interfering with the free market to an unreasonable degree.
Invest in nuclear options
Provide minor tax credits to all renewable energies, and major tax credits to nuclear power
wind power wont work everywhere
Yes, but nationalizing the energy sector and transitioning to renewables would be even better
No, subsidies always end up getting abused.
No, but only used as a last resort, Such as a backup power source.
No, wind power requires a great deal of maintenance and cost - while harming the environment and animals that fly. It adds very little to the amount of power needed to run a community. Limited wind power has been used on farms for years for wells and other energy but it does not meet the cost/risk /benefit needs of our energy grid.
Yes, but also subsidize Nuclear and Solar
Yes but nuclear energy is a better investment
No, transfer it to nuclear, thermal, thorium, and hydroelectric instead.
No, instead give tax credits and subsidies to nuclear, oil, and solar energy