A sanctuary city is a city that adopts local policies designed to not prosecute people solely for being an undocumented individual in the country in which they are currently living.
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State funding not federal.
No, only state funding if approved.
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities. However, the federal government cannot ban sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let states/local governments decide if they want to do so, or not, to fund sanctuary cities within their state.
we would have to look into all the pros and cons
Yes, but a small amount.
Yes, but mainly for rolls who need dire sanctuary
State funded if voted upon
No, only state funding if voted upon.
yes sanctuary cities should receive federal funding to help support the refugees and the city
No, sanctuary cities should be sanctioned and lose all state and federal representation.
Yes, and we should allow for the creation of more sanctuary cities
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let states/local governments decide if they want to do so or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
This should be up to the state and the local government.
Not federal funding but states should be allowed to vote on the issue.
No, the federal government should not fund sanctuary cities. However, the federal government cannot ban sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let each states/local governments decide or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
State funding not federal
No city should recieve federal funding.
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities. Let states/local governments decide if they want to do so or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, it's not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities but don't ban it since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let states/local governments decide if they want to do so or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, it's not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let states/local governments decide if they want to do so or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, the federal government should not fund sanctuary cities. However, the federal government cannot ban sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let states/local governments decide if they want to make their city a "Sanctuary City" or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let states/local governments decide if they want to do so, or not, to fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities but they shouldn't ban sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let state's/local governments decide if they want to make their city a "Sanctuary City" or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities but they shouldn't ban them since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let state's/local governments decide if they want to make their city a "Sanctuary City" or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities but they shouldn't ban them since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let state's/local governments decide if they want to do so, or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let states/local governments decide if they want to do so, or fund sanctuary cities within their state.
No, it is not the federal government's job to fund sanctuary cities since this is within the jurisdiction of the states and cities involved. Let states/local governments decide.
It just depends on what the funding would be targeted for
Yes, though no cities should receive federal funding
Yes, but only if the illegal immigrants in the Sanctuary Cities are going through the citizenship process
No, funding should instead be used towards helping people become legitimate citizens
Yes, but make a limit on the amount of sanctuary cities and use them only for special scenarios.
Yes, but also incentivize path to citizenship for individuals within those cities
Yes, but we should discourage the practice and move to phase out the use of sanctuary cities
Yes, and sanctuary cities should be a federal model
depends on how much they are used
I dont understand what this question means
Yes, the executive branch should not be allowed to pick and choose who to fund
Yes, Allow the states and U.S. territories to choose to officially become sanctuary states and territories, but the local and state law enforcement agencies should be authorized to arrest and/or deport illegal immigrants who are the following:
1. a member or associate member of the Freemasons and/or any other secret societies and organizations
2. a member or associate member of a criminal or terrorist organization
3. a member or associate member of a foreign leftist political party, all its formations, manifestations, associations, successors, paramilitary organizations, youth organizati… Read more
No, Sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants should be illegal
No. Sanctuary cities are helpful for undocumented immigrants, but illegal immigration is not something that should be federally supported.
No, the government should not be involved as long as they do not pose as a threat.
we can aid them a little much not a lot
Yes, but decrease the funding
No, and we should ban the use of sanctuary cities but also allow people to make up for coming here illegally and let them become citizens through completing a class.
Yes, but they should be run by the US Border Patrol, and should be held along the borders. However, it should NOT be inhumane.
Yes, as long as they have competency with US Border Patrol, but should be held outside of US states, along the border and within territories.
No, make America a sanctuary
No, our whole country should be a sanctuary
No, the whole country should be a sanctuary
Yes, for services not related to immigration enforcement.
No, cities should be able to sustain themselves.
No, sanctuary cities should instead receive funding from the state/county they are located in. However, sanctuary cities must always promote legal paths to citizenship. Citizens of the state/county should also be able to vote on the city's status.
No, cities should never receive federal funding
No educated enough on the matter.
Yes, so they can function with necessities like any other city, and reform immigration policies to expedite the process for legal citizenship status
Yes, so they can function effectively and the federal government needs to revise immigration laws to eliminate the need for sanctuary cities
Yes, they should receive federal funding for necessities so they can function like any other city, and immigration laws should be revised so that sanctuary cities are no longer necessary
Yes, but the federal government should revise immigration laws so that sanctuary cities are no longer necessary
Yes, so they can function effectively but the federal government should revise immigration laws so that sanctuary cities are no longer necessary.
Yes, so they can function effectively and the federal government should revise immigration laws to eliminate the need for sanctuary cities.
Yes, so they can function effectively and the federal government should revise immigration laws to eliminate the need for sanctuary cities
Yes, so they can function effectively but the federal government should revise immigration laws to eliminate the need for sanctuary cities.
Yes, so these cities can function like any other and also reform immigration policies to expedite the process for legal citizenship status among immigrants without a criminal record
Yes, in order to function effectively, and the federal government needs to revise immigration laws to eliminate the need for sanctuary cities.
Yes, in order to function effectively and the federal government needs to revise immigration laws to eliminate the need for sanctuary cities
Yes, so these cities can function like any other and also reform legal immigration policies to expedite the process for legal citizenship status among immigrants without a criminal record
Yes, so these cities can function with necessities, and reform immigration policies to expedite the process for legal citizenship status and remove any need for sanctuary cities
Yes, so they are able to function with necessities like any other city, and reform immigration policies to expedite the process for legal citizenship status
Yes but not additonal federal funding. If they use their current allocated funding on undocumented individuals that's fine
Yes, but make easier paths to citizenship.
Yes, but they should receive less federal funding.
not enough information to conduct a stance.
This should be decided at the state level
Yes, although Canada does not have any sanctuary cities.
no because that's the city's choice
It depends on what funding that the city needs
Regardless, we need to make the process of becoming a citizen easier.
Sanctuary status should not impact funding either way.
Yes, if there is a time-limit to each immigrant residing in the city to work towards citizenship.
It depends on what the funds are used for. Some of these questions are overly board and there is not real way to answer them. I do not believe that someone should be prosecuted because they are from another country; however, I am remain uninterested in having someone tell me that I need to be taxed more so that I can pay for funding around people illegally entering the country. Create a path for people to come and become citizens. Stop the short term, with no path to stay Visas!!
They should not receive any more or less funding than any other city would receive.
Only if they fight against illegal immigration
We wouldn't have or need sanctuary cities if we have a better government system for 'foreign aliens' to become 'naturalized citizens'
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