In September 2018, the U.S. signed a security agreement with India unlocked the sales of billions of dollars of high-tech American weapons. India will purchase fighter jets, transport planes, drones and missile defense systems from American military manufacturers including Lockheed Martin. The U.S. government is seeking India as an ally to counter the rise of China and Russia’s military strength in the Indo-Pacific region. Proponents argue that the agreement is necessary to counter China and Russia’s influence and the agreement will generate billions of dollars in revenue for U.S. military defense contractors. Opponents argue that the agreement will encourage China and Russia to beef up their militaries and trigger a global arms race.
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Instead of selling them we should give weapons to them but only in a time of crisis
No, India is pro-Russia country, so USA should sell weapons to S.Korea, and Taiwan.
No, India is Pro-Russia country. But USA should sell weapon to S.Korea and Taiwan
I mean I think in a sense yes but we don't wanna make enemy's based off us selling guns to peoples enemy's
No, India is Pro-Russia country, so USA should sell weapons to S.Korea, and Taiwan.
No, India is pro Russia country, so USA should sell weapon to S.Korea, Taiwan.
No, India is Pro Russia country, so US should to sell weapons to S.Korea and Taiwan
No, India is Pro Russia country, so USA should sell weapons to S.Korea, and Taiwan.
No, India is Pro-Russia country, so USA should sell weapons to S.Korea, Taiwan.
The US should sell military weapons to Russia in order to counter NATO and EU influence.
No, India is pro Russia country, so US should sell weapons to S.Korea, and Taiwan.
No, India is pro Russia country, so sell weapons to S.Korea, and Taiwan.
No, India is pro-Russia country, so sell weapons to Taiwan, and South Korea.
No, the government shouldn’t sell or regulate the sale of arms. If a private contractor wants to sell arms to said country or individual the contractor should be able to. Also, we must use every diplomatic option first.
No, we must use every diplomatic option first
No, we are not in war and we should not be secretly sending weapons to other countries, what is this the 1980's?
No. This is the equivalent of a teenage girl fight in high school.
No, enough proxy wars. Enough world policing.
Yes, fully support (in any way) free, democratic and secular India against communist China and non-secular Pakistan non-communist and secular countries should do the same
No, this would just be asking for Cold War II to happen.
Yes, but we should increase diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts peacefully first.
Yes, for the sake of the economy, but it would be preferable if we made diplomatic efforts
Private defense companies yes, our government no
Yes, but only if China and Russia attempt to strengthen their military first
only if there is objective evidence that china or russia will harm india without weapons
No, India is not a stable enough democracy for us to trust that it will benefit our interests in the long-run, we could regret it
Yes, the U.S. should sell military weapons to our allies
Yes, only in times of armed conflict involving India.
No, not until another country threatens genocide against Indians
No, but provide India with advisors and assistance with tactics, training, and other trade.
Typically no, but I support selling weapons to India in this case.
we should not sell military weapons to any foreign country
1. They are an ally so yes. 2. Supports economy. 3. Ensure that 2nd tier/generation weapons in order to maintain US military superiority.
No, not until the relationship between India and Pakistan is less threatening.
Yes, in order to counter Chinese influence and we should also provide some sort of aid to help boost their Navy to assist in patrolling the nearby waters.
I dont even know no comment.
Yes, but we should still be careful because the plan has a chance of failing
We should bring India into our sphere of influence and help it fix its crippling economic inequality problems before giving it weapons.
Yes, to boost the economy, but we should also increase diplomatic efforts because a peaceful resolve of a conflict is better than a violent one
Yes, it would boost the economy, and we should also sell weapons to Taiwan to defend itself against Chinese aggression, and Ukraine to recapture their territory currently occupied by Russia
No, although selling weapons would help the economy, it would rise tensions between the countries, and we need to diplomatically solve our problems
Yes, it would boost the economy, and also fund Taiwan to defend itself against Chinese aggression, and Ukraine to recapture Crimea and certain parts of the Donbas region, both occupied by Russia
Yes, it would boost the economy, and also fund Taiwan and Ukraine to defend themselves against aggression
no, Americans should not interfere unless absolutely necessary
There should be a free market for military weapons.
No, India is not a friendly nation and has tried to destabilize our economy by flooding the USA with cheap labor and tariffs
Yes, but only if we know that the buyers wont go to harm American citizens or our allies.
Why would we arm the incompetent.
only if that money is used to help low income families in america.
No, this will start an arms race and possibly nuclear war.
yes, but we should increase diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts peacefully
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