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 @8ZP5XPN from New Hampshire  answered…3yrs3Y

Funding should be moved away from militaristic deployment and towards training and education.

 @5GHSCDS from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8Q8HZ2D from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y


Yes and reduce the duties of police to the smallest, most necessary subset of law enforcement.


Yes, if that is what the community decides. End federal funding for local police departments.


Until the war on drugs ends, police will be a military type force. They have been thrust into this role by government. We should end the war on drugs and then demilitarize the police forces, to have them return to their conducting themselves as they did in the past (protect/serve).



Yes, and The Police should be absorbed into the Sheriff's office, as the Sheriff answers to the people.


We should have more privatized funding, local funding, stop militarizing the police. Get them better training and maybe even some mental help on staff.


Regardless, all government bodies funded by theft should be abolished, including both police and social/community programs.


Yes, but only for non criminal related matters like traffic violations and mental health services


No, direct police departments to operate social- & community-based programs

 @8QNKSKF from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

NO! This is absolutely one of the dumbest things society could do. A country without law and order will not be a country for long


Yes, and The Police should be absorbed into the Sheriff's department, as the Sheriff answers to the people.


Transfer all funding and policing duties to the elected sheriff's department.

 @IINXMP from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

No, increase funding and training for police in higher crime rate communities, as well as encourage private emergency services.

 @84JHJXZ from GU  answered…4yrs4Y

No, social and community-based programs should receive funding from individual citizens. Also, local police departments should reallocate funds for training instead of equipment.


Police should be paid more and better trained AND there should be increased funding to social and community based programs to better deal with situations involving drugs, mental health, or other problems that don't require force/guns that police deploy.

 @5GHSCDS from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7GP32QV from California  answered…4yrs4Y

 @5VW46HK from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

Increase training for police departments, but also provide funding for social and community based programs.

 @8GDCWLZ from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, police should be community oriented and only respond to violent crimes.

 @84N8BY4 from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but police training needs to improve to make deadly force a last resort.

 @7BMP7N5 from Maine  answered…3yrs3Y

No, but raise the standards of racial sensitive and education for police officers as a whole


No, but policing needs reforms to reduce force usage and militarization.

 @8GYCXW3 from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

No, their funding should be lowered and taxes that support them should be lowered

  @8RJ2TQK from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8R7N6V4 from Mississippi  answered…4yrs4Y

The militarization of the police needs to end. End qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture.

 @8XH4JKP from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

Police should get better training rather than just using brute force. they should be better trained in dealing with situations and how to not let personal beliefs get in the way of their job.

 @8TKPJXZ from California  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but supplement police with unarmed community based responders for non-violent calls.