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 @8ZL6BBD from Colorado  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only enough to decrease the amount, if not completely relieve students of, student debt.


No, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans

No, everyone should be taxed the same and pay their own debts, but still reduce interest rates for student loans and eliminate all loopholes.


No, decrease the military budget and that will free up extra money which can be used for free education for all citizens.

 @6HDD83R from California  answered…4yrs4Y

50% flat or proportional tax rate regardless of the income of the individual or entity (e.g. corporation, company, business, franchise, etc)



Yes, and simplify the tax code such that the rich cannot avoid paying taxes easily

 @922ZQ2R from California  answered…3yrs3Y



No, don't tax people a higher percentage of their income just because they earn more. Make public universities free by decreasing the military budget or another place where excess funding isn't necessary.


Make public universities free to attend if you earn less than a certain amount of money.

  @MSelvig from Wyoming  answered…3yrs3Y

 @ThomasJj88 from Georgia  answered…3yrs3Y


How would you feel if a portion of your future salary was used to help reduce student loan interest rates for others?


If someone earns a million dollars, do you think it's fair they contribute more to supporting education, and why?


Have you or someone you know been affected by student loan debt, and how might lower interest rates have changed things?


Is it right for society to require the wealthy to pay more in taxes to help students, considering the overall benefits of education?


Imagine you are wealthy; would you feel it's your responsibility to help lower loan rates for students, and what reasons might you have?


Should personal success lead to higher obligations to society, particularly in helping those with educational debt?


How might lowering student loan interest rates impact the economic future of young adults, and why should this concern us?


If reducing student loan interest rates means higher taxes for millionaires, how do you predict that would affect job creation and economy?


Is it more important to preserve economic freedom for high earners or to ensure educational affordability, and how do you balance this?


Can you foresee any long-term consequences for the economy if student loans remain high, and how does this concern you personally?


Everyone should pay their fair share. Education should be free for all citizens.



No, taxation is theft and should be abolished entirely for all US citizens. Instead end government loans and put all current ones into privately managed accounts.


 @93ZP8QG from North Carolina  answered…3yrs3Y

Taxes on the wealthy should be raised in order to level the playing field, but not solely to lower interest rates on student loans. Regardless, we should lower student loan interest rates; high interest rates make debt repayment nearly impossible.


Free public college for citizens by decreasing the unnecessary spending in the government.


Free college education. Decrease the military budget and don't give out unnecessary foreign aid. PROTECT OUR CITIZENS


every person should be taxed diffrently based on how much they make and close tax loopholes should be closed for company's


Lessen the military's budget and other places in the government with unnecessary spending. After this is done every legal citizen should be able to go to a public university or vocational school for free. Those who are capable of paying full price should be forced to pay without aid.


No, but billionaires should be encouraged to donate some of their wealth towards the less fortunate.


No, higher schooling should be something to achieve and you must strive for. If you don’t care about school, then you shouldn’t get into college for free.


 @8FKMVNV from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

No, the rich shouldn't have to pay for loans that other people took out.


Colleges can be expensive, but making them completely free would increase taxes a little too much.


I worked my way through college with a degree in accounting. I graduated debt free. If you spend tens of thousands of dollars on a worthless degree, you don't deserve reduced interest rates or a debt waiver. If the country is short on doctors, scientists, teachers, etc. reduce the debt, or, full tuition reimbursement upon successful graduation and working in that field for a prescribed number of years.


No, everyone should be taxed the same and pay their own debts, but still reduce interest rates for student loans and eliminate loopholes for the rich, and fund more scholarship programs.


No, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans

No, everyone should be taxed the same and pay their own debts, but eliminate all loopholes, and still reduce interest rates for student loans.


 @8CJGSSR from Arizona  answered…5yrs5Y


Yes, the government should not be making money on students getting an education

 @8Q8RMYM from Kentucky  answered…4yrs4Y

No, we already overtax the rich considering the top 13% pay for 90% of taxes, I know this equates to proportion of wealth, but if we continue to overtax then these billionaires will just move out and outsource more jobs, which means less money running through the economical stream

 @8QNP2M5 from Maryland  answered…4yrs4Y

Cut funding from other government spending like senator and congressmen paychecks for example.

 @93CT93D from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XTPJMC from Minnesota  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XTPJMC from Minnesota  answered…3yrs3Y

yes and no I would want the taxpayers should know what there paying for.

 @8QZF9F6 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8Q6C4Y4 from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

No, and start transitioning government student loans into privately managed accounts

 @8R3TC79 from Colorado  answered…4yrs4Y

Perhaps, if, in addition to going toward education, the taxes were reduced for the poorer, increased for the richer, and Megacorps. Otherwise, that sounds an awful lot like socialism, and no, just no.

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans From public colleges and universities

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

No but we should still eliminate student loans from public colleges and universities.

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

No we should eliminate student loans from public colleges and universities.

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans At public colleges and universities

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans At public colleges and universities.

 @94267X2 from Colorado  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8JP4VGF from Oklahoma  answered…4yrs4Y

No, The rich should not have to pay the price for something they do not wish to buy, taxes should be balanced between the rich and poor depending on how much they make.

 @6HDD83R from California  answered…4yrs4Y

50% income tax on individual and corporate entity (10% federal, 10% state or territorial, 10% county or county equivalent (or 20% for CDP's), 10% incorporated area (e.g. city, town, village, etc) (does not apply to CDP's), and 10% social security


College should have no out of pocket cost and instead should be paid for with a portion of military spending

 @8PK69PX from Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

No. Students have a responsibility to pay off their own debt. Taxpayers shouldn't receive the burden of someone else.

 @8TV9L2L from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

I support making the cost of tuition affordable so that student loans aren't so excessive. the greed of colleges is what needs to be eliminated

 @8QXCJKB from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, because those who earn between $1 Million to $2 Million will still have enough money to live after being taxed.

 @8DLTKCZ from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @93VVP97 from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XK89WW from Oklahoma  answered…3yrs3Y

I believe that they should increase taxes on rich people but the student loans should stay the same

 @8MKH7D8 from Iowa  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8H4DF7B from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

No but low income students should get lower interest rates for student loans and student loans can be forgiven for anyone if students does community service, military service, jail time, or jury duty AND THEN works for the company for free with a living wage for however long it takes to pay back the loan plus the living wage etc OR if the student earns or lawfully gains the same amount during community service etc OR on the side while working at the company. Someone else can also pay off their loans if they choose to.

 @93GKDZS from Nebraska  answered…3yrs3Y

Increase taxes for the rich and reduce interest rates for student loans, but all colleges don't necessarily have to be free because that may mean extremely high taxes that I have to pay

  @8R7JPB5 from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

Student should be canceled. Doing such will help students use their income to live.

 @8J3HQ4T from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

Forgive 100% of all Federal Student Loans and end the Federal Student Loan Program

 @8WCTWT2 from Washington  answered…3yrs3Y

No, but I think that taxes should be based on your annual income and how much you make. I also believe that costs for universities and colleges should be lowered.

 @8TXV556 from Maine  answered…4yrs4Y

I think they should raise the Capital Gains Tax given the richest individuals have their money in stock.


All tax rates should be exactly the same, and people must also realize that you don’t necessarily have to pay income tax.

 @8TVYZQL from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but fines for committing a crime should be increased for those who are rich.

 @68QRLZT from Louisiana  answered…4yrs4Y

 @6NLNK8C from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, increase taxes on the rich. Yes, reduce student loan interest rates. These two good ideas need not be connected.

 @7FM9Q6N from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

I support "free" college education, but not by exclusively taxing the rich. Instead, either redirect funds from other public spending sectors or alter tax rates in other ways.

 @7HRC4KW from Virginia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7KCBJ6J from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

Raise taxes on large corporations rather than an individual rich person.

 @78S5M87 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

 @78S5M87 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7W3SBDC from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

Not "tax the rich" but there are other ways to reduce rates, improve forgiveness programs, improve and expand work-study jobs.